Baker College

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About Baker

Training for the fastest growing careers in the shortest possible time.

Welcome to Baker College, the largest independent college in the state of Michigan with the most focused approach to education and training available. We believe that going to college should lead you directly to a great career. And that's exactly where we come in. Unlike other colleges and universities, Baker is a career college, the one mission: to provide you job specific training so you can enter a more personally rewarding career right out of college. You will become a working professional in a successful career, not a career student.
Founded in 1911, Baker College has brought the joy of career fulfillment to hundreds of thouasands of graduates through the years. Whether on one of our 9 campuses, 6 branch locations, or online worldwide, all of our students want to improve their career situation. With Baker in their corner, they do - 97% of our available graduates are currently employed.
You'll do better with Baker! You'll see.
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