CGS Advisors

Corporate Growth Strategy Advisors (CGS Advisors, LLC) was founded in 2008 with the focus to help leaders cut through the noise, and define unique paths to growth. Generally, we advise those who seek to make things better; to change the status quo; and ultimately to grow to achieve their visions.

We know what we are, and what we are not.

What we are:

  • Advisors - A term that has been lost in the light of consulting. We see ourselves as trusted. Ones that will never sell what is not good for your business. We have stopped projects midstream when they have not been providing value for clients, and require that our project teams are balanced with members of our advisory team AND key members of your staff who own the program. We know we are guests in your environment and we are honored to be invited there.
  • Experienced - Not all of us have gray hair (yet), but we have stood where you are. We have launched our own companies. Sat at board tables. Been looked at side-ways by peers. We have personally taken risks as you are. We know that taking risks in Corporate America (Europe or Asia Pac) is not easy. We also know that "easy" isn't why you get up in the morning!
  • Systemic - We take a very architectural approach to sensing and solving. We believe that most things in this world are inter-related, and feel that changes in certain parts of your eco-system will have an effect on others. No matter if this is people affecting your business, your firm affecting the marketing, or IT affecting your results, we seek to understand these connections.
  • Visionary - We appreciate the calculated "big play". Every change has risk, and we are more comfortable with some of the "bigger risk for bigger reward" type moves. In this era, standing on the sidelines too long, can let the industry pass you by.

What we are not:

  • Efficiency Experts - We do find efficiencies, but our specialty is growing the top line, driving new b;usiness, and shifting the business models, not squeezing the last 2% out of a process.
  • Techies - We know technology, in some cases very well, but we specialize in applying technology to disrupt business, not the finer details of how they work.
  • Sacred Cow Tenders - We will be your biggest cheerleader in public, but close the door and we like to say how it is. We pride ourselves in eating "grade A" sacred cow fillet.


Our History

We are a small team that have worked together for a number of years providing services to subsidiaries of large global firms doing work in the USA. Through a professional network, our small firm reaches to other professionals with key specialties to allow us to scale and meet specific needs. We cannot do it all, and we don't pretend to.